Compensating Control may be considered if PCI DSS requirement cannot meet a requirement due to legitimate Technical or Documented Business constraints.
Compensating Control must satisfy following: 1) Meet the intent and rigor of the original requirement. 2) Provide a similar level of defence as the original 3) Be "Above and Beyond" other PCI DSS Requirement. What is above and beyong? - If existing PCI DSS requirement CANNOT be considered as compensating Control if they are already required by the item under review. - Existing PCI DSS requirement MAY be considered as compensating control if they are required for another area, but not required for the item under review. - Existing PCI DSS requirement may be conbined with new control to become a compensating control. Compensating Control Worksheet: 1) Constraints 2) Objective 3) Identified Risk 4) Defination of Compensating Controls 5) Validation of Compensating Controls 6) Maintainance A. Be "above and beyond" other PCI DSS requirement (i.e., not simply in compliance with other requirements) B. Sufficiently offset the risk that the original PCI DSS requirement was designed to defend against C. Meet the intent and rigor of the original PCI requirement D. Be commensurate with additional risk imposed by not adhering to original requirement A - Card-not-present Merchants, All Cardholder Data Functions Fully Outsourced
A-EP - E-Commerce Merchants, Partially Outsourced B- Imprints Machine Only- No Electronic Card Storage, Standalone, Dial out Terminal. Data not Transmitted B-IP- Merchant using only PTS Standalone Payment Terminal with an IP Connection to a Payment Processor . PTS- Approved Point of Interaction Device. Data Transmitted via IP C-VT - Merchants who manually enter a single transaction at a time via Keyboard into a Internet based Virtual Terminal. C- Merchant with Payment Application Systems connected to Internet, No Electronic Card Data Storage. D - Merchant & Service Provider not Included in above description - Password Reset: Users passwords/passphrases should be changed every 3 months (Minimum)
- Check for Wireless access points: must implement a process to test for the presence of wireless access points and detect and identify all authorized and unauthorized wireless access points -An audit trail history should be available immediately for analysis Methods for stealing payment card data include:
- Skimming - Malware - Weak Password Sensitive authentication exists in the magnetic strip or chip, and is also printed on the payment card. In a credit card- there are two tracks with 79 and 40 Characters. Payment Card Flow Authorization, Clearing, Settlement, Undo (If Needed)
echo "export PS1='$ '" >> ~/.bash_profile
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