Command Line Basics:
Standard Format : Command Options Arguments 1) Know current users: whoami 2) List files:: Command: ls Options: 3) Create Directory: Command: mkdir [Filename] Creating files: vim Filename.txt vi Filename.txt Press i to insert text esc+wq! to save file 4) wc-wordcount Command: wc [FILENAME] 5) mv- move Syntax: mv [FILENAME] [Destination] Rename mv [FirstFilename] [SecondFilename] Remove Files/Dir Syntax: rm -r [Filename] -r: Recrusive Info about interface: Syntac: ifconfig Present working directory Syntax: pwd Change to Home directory -cd ~ Everything is inside the / just like everything in windows ins in C: or some drive. Tab key to complete the command -How to check command History Syntax: history Create a text file of a History: history > XYZ.txt Clear Screen Syntax: Ctrl+L Comments are closed.
Mac Forensics